As Winning Pathways Coaching, I provide mentoring and coaching for women, particularly those in social work organisations, both at the executive level and as they rise through their career. I help to bolster resilience and confidence and deal with issues that may be too sensitive to be addressed by the in-house coaching system.
I’ll help you to get out of your own way and step boldly forward - to infuse your career path with principles, purpose, and a strong sense of why you do what you do - because life is unpredictable. Stuff happens when you least expect it, from redundancies to pregnancies, and career opportunities. Make sure you’re ready to seize the moment.
Services for social work related organisations
Through working with Winning Pathways Coaching, your employees will gain greater self-assurance, resilience and resourcefulness, and overcome any stumbling blocks that may have undermined their confidence and performance.
Services for women social work managers
Using 1:1 coaching, I will guide you to increased confidence, resilience and resourcefulness, whilst addressing those needs that may have been overlooked.
Services for aspiring women
Through 1: 1 coaching, I will help you rise to the next level and develop your own tailor-made action plan for your career.
I can help with other career stages, too
Redundancy and retirement coaching
Our jobs are a big part of our life, so when they go away – be it planned or unexpectedly – we can sometimes struggle to cope. I work with women facing a big career change to help them work through the change and come out the other side stronger and ready to face the new world.
Developing CVs
Think of CVs as your shop window – it’s often your only chance to grab the attention of a passing recruiter, so you want to make sure it’s showing off what you can do in the best possible way. I can help you craft a CV that shouts “hire me!”
Interview preparation
Most people aren’t naturally able to sell themselves. We’re not all that guy who instinctively knows how to craft a pithy, intellectual answer to questions in an interview. Some of us struggle to articulate, or to think on our feet. Thankfully there is a way to prepare for a job interview to make sure you’re ready to put your best foot forward. I can coach you in ways to answer common questions, and to make sure you remain calm and collected throughout.
Crafting an elevator pitch
Anyone who’s worked in sales and marketing is familiar with the concept of the “elevator pitch” – the idea that you can tell someone in the time it takes to move a few floors what it is you do and how you can help others. We can create these for our personal brands, too, to help sell our potential - but there is an art to elevator pitches. It’s not just about “my name is and I do this”; it has to be engaging, informative and direct. I can work with you to identify your key message and how to best put it across – and help you walk out of that elevator with an arm full of new connections.
Speaking engagements
Kings College, University of London
I’m a regular speaker focussing primarily on issues of gender equality and the challenges women experience within their careers, and welcome the opportunity to speak at any event, in-house workshop or conference and add value to your agenda.
Past topics have included:
How being a difficult woman could be good for your career
Personal obstacles to women’s career progression and how to overcome them
I have spoken to organisations such as NHS England’s Women’s Network, King’s College Medical School PhD symposium and the Women’s Equality Party.
I am a former ACE mentor for members of Andy Harrington’s Professional Speakers Academy and for those attending his Public Speakers’ University.